timeline for tweet
"At Google, no code, for ...
"At Google, no code, for any product,for any project,gets checked in until it gets a positive review." http://t.co/eNdbO9p via@ZaheerSoebhan
Also a nice little fragment ...
Also a nice little fragment from http://t.co/8YpjXAq : "People who use Python are by nature tinkerers" #python #appengine
Had a sambal/chocolate flakes sandwich ...
Had a sambal/chocolate flakes sandwich for lunch @proteon as recommended by @Wieteke15 which wasn't that nice, tbh... :p
Lol, I'm currently 24th on ...
Lol, I'm currently 24th on the #Python software foundation donation list (http://t.co/fMJa93t) I wonder how fast I'll drop down...
I feel pretty much the ...
I feel pretty much the same...
"With each #europython tweet, the sorrow for skipping it this year increases." -- @marijnvriens
Too bad IRC is apparently ...
Too bad IRC is apparently being blocked at the wifi #europython ... I was hoping pick up a bit of the vibe while a work... :(